Add Chords In Garageband


GarageBand User Guide for iPhone

If you record with GarageBand or similar apps, export your iReal Pro backing tracks in WAV format. Then select 'Copy' from the share sheet options and paste it into a track in GarageBand. IReal Pro version 8.2.4 or lower. Much like the version found in earlier iterations of Apple’s entry level DAW, Garageband 10.0.3’s built in compressor is intuitive and simple to use. You can find it in the plug-ins drop down menu within Garageband’s Smart Controls window.

Many songs are organised in sections such as intro, verse and chorus. Each section is usually eight bars long, or a multiple of eight. When you create a GarageBand song, it contains one repeating section. You can add more sections, set the length of a section, and play back a single section or all sections.

Open the song section controls

  • Tap the Song Section button on the right edge of the ruler.

Add a song section

  1. Open the song section controls, then tap Add.

    The new, empty section is added after the last section.

  2. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

Add a copy of a section

How To Add Chords In Garageband Mac

  1. Open the song section controls, choose the section you want to copy, then tap Duplicate.

    The copy is added after the last section.

  2. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

Set a section to automatically fit the length of your recording

When you record a Touch Instrument, the section length determines how long the recording is. However, you can set the section to automatically fit the length of your recording. This is useful when you record something of an undetermined length (such as an improvised performance or spoken word) or when you import audio or MIDI files into your song.

  1. Open the song section controls.

  2. Tap the Inspector button next to the section name. If you have more than one section, tap the Inspector button next to the last section.

  3. Tap the Automatic switch to turn it on.

  4. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

Change the length of a section

How do you add chords in garageband
  1. Open the song section controls.

  2. Tap the Inspector button next to the section name.

  3. If the section is set to Automatic, tap the Automatic switch to turn it off.

  4. Tap the up or down arrow next to Manual to lengthen or shorten the section incrementally by bars. You can swipe vertically to change it in larger increments.

  5. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

When you shorten a section, any regions extending past the end of the section are shortened. When you lengthen a section, all regions that extend from the beginning to the end of the section now loop to the new end of the section. A section can be any number of bars, and the overall song can be up to 2000 bars long.

Play a different section

  1. Open the song section controls, then choose the section you want to play. To play all sections in the song, choose All Sections.

    Sonic unleashed mobile pc. Tracks view changes to show the section, and the ruler shows the bar numbers for the section.

    In Tracks view, you can also switch between adjacent song sections by swiping left or right until the next section is visible.

    If you set different quantisation or transposition values for a track in different sections, the quantisation or transposition value for that track appears as Multiple when you choose All Sections.

  2. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

  3. To play the current section or sections, tap the Play button in the control bar.

Change the order of sections

  1. Open the song section controls, then tap Edit.

  2. Drag a section up or down in the list by the handle on its right edge.

  3. When you finish, tap Done.

  4. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

Extend a region across multiple sections

  1. Open the song section controls, then tap All Sections.

  2. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

  3. Move, resize or loop the region to extend across multiple sections. You can also record a new region across multiple sections.

Delete a section

  1. Open the song section controls, then tap Edit.

  2. Tap the red circle to the left of the section you want to delete.

    If the song has only one section, the section cannot be deleted.

  3. Tap Done to close the song section controls.

Set the first section of new songs to match the length of your recording

By default, the first section of a new song is 8 bars long. You can set the length of the first section of new songs to Automatic, in which case it matches the length of your recording.

  1. On the Home screen, tap Settings.

  2. In the Settings app, scroll down, then tap GarageBand.

  3. Tap the Automatic Recording Length switch.

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How To Add Chords In Garageband Mac

  1. Add grooving keyboard, bass, strings, or guitar tracks with Smart Touch Instruments
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Add grooving keyboard, bass, strings, or guitar tracks with Smart Touch Instruments

If you know the primary notes of your melody, additional instrument tracks are ready to play and record at the touch of your fingers. Since the Smart Touch Instruments are available only in GarageBand for iOS, you’ll need to break out your mobile device to record these tracks.

Open your GarageBand for iOS song. (If you’ve been working on your Mac, create a new GarageBand for iOS song.) Choose the Smart Instrument that you want to record for your song. In this example, I’ll use the Smart Bass; however, feel free to try this technique with any of the Smart Touch Instruments (see Figure 16).

In the instrument controls area, set the instrument to chords mode. Then turn the Autoplay knob to one of the numbered positions and tap a chord strip to hear the default Autoplay pattern (see Figure 17). If you’re using an iPhone, you can toggle between the controls area and the full-touch instruments with chord strips by tapping the controls button (see Figure 18).

How To Add Chords In Garageband


Now you can use the notes you jotted down earlier to create a new part for your song. If this is a new GarageBand for iOS song, don’t forget to set the tempo. When you’re ready, record the part. Try the other Smart Touch Instruments to create additional musical tracks for your song.

When you’re finished recording from your iOS device, go to the My Songs area, select your song, and share it to iCloud. Once the song has been uploaded to iCloud, you can open it on your Mac. In GarageBand for Mac, choose File > iCloud > Import iCloud song, and select your new song.

Once the new song opens in GarageBand for Mac, you can save it and continue working with that version, or you can copy the regions and paste them into tracks in your original project.