Wynk Music App

In this tutorial, learn how to download and install Wynk Music app on Windows PC or Laptop. You can install Wynk Music app on PC for free if you use Bluestacks. This emulator allows you to play the free Android version on your computer.

Wynk Music is an excellent app that lets you enjoy all the best Hindi music from the comfort of your smartphone. If you’re looking for a platform to explore a wide variety of music from your favorite genre, then look no further – this is the app for you.

From trending Bollywood hits to popular International artists – over 6 million free songs we’ve got it all covered. Christmas Songs, Pop, EDM, Latin Hits, Punjabi Beats, Hip Hop, Sufi, Gazal, K-Pop, Devotional, Romantic, Dance, Party- whatever your choice of genre, you will find it here. Enjoy music across languages such as Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil songs, Bhojpuri, Haryanvi, Bengali, Assamese, Malayalam, Gujarati, Rajasthani, Marathi, Oriya & Kannada.

Free music streaming app. Wynk Music is a free song streaming app with a large selection of artists and genres to pick from. The app offers methods to download music for both free and subscribed customers. It also allows you to purchase albums and individual tracks, letting you listen to them regardless of your subscription requirements.

Perks of using Wynk music app:
• HD music streaming
• LIVE Streaming of music concerts- Wynk Stage
• Setting your favourite songs as HelloTunes for free with Unlimited Changes!
• Wynk’s in app music player enables Free Song lyrics for you to sing along as you listen
• Thousands of curated playlists for every mood like Workout music, Old songs, Festive songs, etc.
• My Station: non-stop music personalised for you
• Create your own playlists and share with friends & family
• Manage all your music in one personal place and free music download
• Follow artists & playlists you love
• Search from more than 6 million songs in our in-built music player
• Free music streaming at low internet speeds & offline music
• LIVE Chat with your favorite artists
• Internet Radio for hours of uninterrupted music
• Play music from different languages- Punjabi songs, Hindi Songs, Tamil, etc.
• Support for Chromecast, Google Assistant & more.

  1. Wynk music provides excellent music quality. You can stream HD music as well as low bitrate music. You can choose from HD, High, Medium and low music quality option. It is also cheaper than most of the apps. You only have to pay Rs.49 per month or Rs.349 annually to get the premium subscription.
  2. Wynk Music is the one-stop music app for the latest to the greatest songs you love plus streaming of live shows of your favourite music artists! That’s right, if you don’t download the Wynk App, aap bohot ‘Pachtaoge’.

Downloading Wynk Music App For Windows 10/8/7 For Free

You can install the mobile version of the app ( which is FREE) with the help of Bluestacks

Basically, you will need to install the Bluestacks on your Windows PC or Laptop. Then you can download Wynk Music App from the Google Play Store of Bluestacks.

Make sure your computer meets the recommended requirements to run Bluestacks.

  • OS: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel or AMD Processor.
  • RAM: Your PC must have at least 2GB of RAM. (Note that having 2GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)
  • HDD: 5GB Free Disk Space.
  • You must be an Administrator on your PC.
  • Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
  • Internet: Broadband connection to access games, accounts, and related content.

How to install Wynk Music App on PC for free

1. First, download and install Bluestacks on your PC.

2. Launch Bluestacks emulator and login with Google account.

3. Once this is done, just open the Google Play Store then search for “Wynk Music App”. When you find the game proceed with downloading it. After the installation has finished you can now use Wynk Music App on your computer.

Or you can also install Wynk Music app on the PC by applying the Wynk Music APK file if you can’t find an app on the Google Play store. You may also like: How to Download an APK File from the Google Play Store

See also: How To Install APK in Bluestacks

After performing the steps listed above you will successfully install Wynk Music app on PC for free.

That’s about it.

Free music streaming app

Wynk Music is a free song streaming app with a large selection of artists and genres to pick from. The app offers methods to download music for both free and subscribed customers. It also allows you to purchase albums and individual tracks, letting you listen to them regardless of your subscription requirements.

Stream your music

Wynk Music focuses on letting you stream music from the web or download and play it when you're offline without an internet connection. Unless you purchase a monthly subscription, the amount of songs you can download is limited. The app has decent sound quality available for most of its cards.

Additionally, you can use the Wynk Music app to set new tones for your computer or mobile devices. These MP3s will play without any advertisement interference.

Find new artists

Wynk Music makes it easy to discover new artists How to download ark mods ps4. , with recommended playlists and new genres to explore. Alternatively, you can search for a new track similar to what you're currently enjoying on the app. The available genres include Bollywood and more. It also provides several internet radio stations that play nonstop.

Purchase music

Aside from free music downloads, you can purchase individual albums and songs within the app. Purchasing music bypasses the monthly limit of songs you can download specifically for that music.


Membership features

Unfortunately, you’ll need a monthly subscription for many features, such as unlimited downloads. There are two levels of premium available for nearly the same price. Both of these options focus on providing unlimited downloads with a small benefit to Airtel users.

There is a trial period for the subscription that you can listen to music for the free for the first month. You can cancel this at any time to avoid paying for the premium features.


Our take


Overall, Wynk Music is a decent application for your Windows computer if you want to listen to music while offline. The software is similar to SoundCloud and Snaptube, both of which allow you to listen to songs online. The app is reliable and safe to use, making it a fantastic way to enjoy music. If you just want to play local music, you can use the Windows Music Player.

Should you download it?

Yes. If you enjoy music in multiple genres, including Bollywood, then using this app for streaming is a great idea.


  • Ad-free streaming
  • Easy to find music
  • Offers internet radio stations
Wynk Music AppWynk music app install

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Wynk Music for PCfor Windows

Wynk Music App Pc
