Amiga Os 3.9

  1. Amiga Os 3.9 Iso
  2. Amiga Os 3.9 Iso
  3. Amiga Os 3.9 Adf
  4. Amiga Os 3.9 Install
  5. Amiga Os 3.9 Image
  6. Amiga Os 3.9

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Today an article on how to install SmartFileSystem on Amiga OS 3.9. There is also a part on migration to SFS for the one who want their entire OS hard drive booting directly in SFS.


  • 1 Why ?
  • 3 Summary
  • 7 Partition your drive:

Installing AmigaOS 3.9: Since you have formatted your drives, you can install AmigaOS 3.9. Open your Installation CDROM and click on ' Installation ' in ' OS-Version3.9 '. Now choose ' OS3.9 full installation over OS 3.0/3.1 or empty HD ' and click ' Proceed ' twice. Accept the license agreemant and click ' Proceed '.

  1. Note 2018 03 10: SFSFormat command is a “quick format” one. You can also use the “Format” option of Amiga OS 3.9 if you want a complete format.
  2. Funky numbering system aside, AmigaOS 3.1.4 is really an upgrade to AmigaOS 3.9 - 3.9 provided a lot of missing pieces 17 years ago for for sure, and provided so great enhanced utilities for playing sounds and watching videos. I also have to admit that the 'Reaction' enhancements to the AmigaOS were pretty nice.
  3. The authentic Amiga experience with the original Amiga Operating System. AmigaOS 4.1 is coming and has seen no less than 6 free major updates and at least 88 smaller updates released since then. The new Final Edition extends AmigaOS 4.1 functionality with new features, such as the new console, the unified graphics library with RTG support.
  4. AmigaOS 3.9 is the Update for OS 3.5-but it can also be installed directly on top of an OS 3.1 system. OS 3.9 FUNCTIONS Multimedia programs (MP3 player, AVI & QT player, new CD player).

Amiga Os 3.9 Iso

  • FFS is “Fast File System”
  • SFS is “Smart File System”

With FFS :

I’ve been more than once in front of the problem of partition validating for ages in cause of a crash when some writing was going. This is not so annoying when it is a FD that is 880Kb big, but when it is a 3Gb partition…

As I have backups of my files, what I did was to reformat the partition each time, and copy back the files (faster then waiting for the revalidation!).

Other problem is the speed of this filesystem.

Last minute note : to avoid long validation, you can use the tool “disksafe”, that you can find on aminet.

With SFS :

the speed is better, there is no revalidation, and the defragmentation is included “on the go”, and you have a better Large HD support.

AROS : will access the partitions natively in a more robust way than with FFS.

And I’ve made absolutely all the possible errors, so I want to share my experience.

Note 2018 03 09 : After experimenting a lot, you should keep the first partition in FFS to be able to share your files with your linux system, like in those two articles :

Install Amiga OS 3.1 for your real Amiga (1200) using FS-UAE on linux ubuntu
access amiga FFS Hard Drive (or CF) under ubuntu

Don’t forget : each time you change a parameter inside HDInstTools, please, press “ENTER”. If you don’t, the entry won’t be validated.

Before a change on a partition can be taken in account, you must *reboot* your system.

Note 2018 03 09 : After experimenting a lot, you should keep the first partition in FFS to be able to share your files with your linux system, and use “disksafe” from aminet for a safer FFS use


  • HDInsttools :
  • FixHDDSIZE :
  • For a safer use of FFS, use the tool DISKSAFE from Aminet :
Amiga Os 3.9
  1. get SFS
  2. get HDInstTools
  3. Install the filesystem on the boot block to enable it at boot
  4. copy your system to the new drive
  5. install nSDPatch to your new OS installation
  6. get all your partitions working

Partitions parameters summary

  • File System = custom,
  • DOSType = SFS0
  • Mask = 0x7fffffffE (there are 6 “f”),
  • MaxTransfer = 0x0001fe00,
  • block size = 512 bytes
  • buffers = 100

It is CRUCIAL to respect those parameters.

I do not use WinUAE or this kind of (very usefull and handy) tools to do the transfer. I’m on a single amiga 1200.

Note 2018 03 10 : it has changed now, i use FS-UAE under linux a lot a lot now, it simplifies the life so much 🙂

To be able to go from a filesystem to the other, I bought a 2 CF card to IDE reader :

Because it is a better tool than hdtoolbox for this.

Note 2018 03 10 : After many experimentations, my advice is to keep the fist partition (under 2Gb) in FFS to make the share with linux possible. So here : do not delete FFS, just ADD smartfilesystem

after saving the modifications to the card (you have to get out of HDInstTools and then restart the amiga)

when done, you open again HDInstTools and enter inside your device.

Note 2018 03 10 : After many experimentations, my advice is to keep the fist partition (under 2Gb) in FFS to make the share with linux possible. So here : let the first partition in FFS. Change only the second partition to SFS.

Partitions parameters summary

  • File System = custom,
  • DOSType = SFS0
  • Mask = 0x7fffffffE (there are 6 “f”),
  • MaxTransfer = 0x0001fe00,
  • block size = 512 bytes
  • buffers = 100

It is very important to respect those parameters.

Save and you restart your computer.

Note 2018 03 10 : SFSFormat command is a “quick format” one. You can also use the “Format” option of Amiga OS 3.9 if you want a complete format.

You should now be able to reboot with your new partition.

Amiga Os 3.9 Iso

Last update 2018 03 10

As your first partition should be kept in FFS to help sharing with linux, you should use DISKSAFE for a safer FFS use.

  • NSDPatch je sèche … “Activation DH1: failed” (FR) Merci aux poto sur amigaimpact qui m’ont aidé à résoudre mon problème… bête car j’avais simplement pas appuyé sur entrée en paramétrant ma partition.
  • A video (not by me) :
How to add a 8 GB Compact Flash hard drive to your Amiga 1200 (works with 4 GB too)
Watch this video on YouTube.
i use an extention wich protect your privacy

· · OS 3.9 NEWS

OS 3.9: Boing Bag 2 available now!
20. March 2002: H&P is proud to announce the availability of Boing Bag 2 for AmigaOS 3.9. Boing Bag 3.9-2 contains many bug fixes, small enhancement and new features in the areas multimedia (AMPlifier, PlayCD, sound datatype), shell, Workbench (Find, AsyncWB, UnArc, XAD v10), ReAction and harddisk support. The Boing Bag is delivered in three parts: The main archive with all the files needed to update AmigaOS 3.9, the translations into different languages and the contributions (CDDB library, OpenURL, ClassAction). We want to thank all people that made it possible.

Please download at least the main archive and the translation(s) for the language(s) you desire. The contributions are optional.

Note: This Update requires AmigaOS 3.9 with Boing Bag 1. AmigaOS XL users can install the Boing Bag 2 directly.

OS 3.9: Euro Update
24. Jan. 2002: Finally we are able to release the Euro update for AmigaOS 3.9. It took a bit longer because there were some more things to consider. Many thanks to the all involved people.
This update especially contains keymaps and Amiga bitmap fonts that make it possible to use the Euro symbol on the Amiga. It also contains a German Euro keymap for AmigaOS XL. Download

12 December 2001:
Italian AmigaOS 3.9 manual
Since some time Virtual Works is offering the Italian version of the German 'AmigaOS - Das Buch' originally published by Haage&Partner. This book covers all topics of AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9. Virtual Works

12 December 2001:
French AmigaOS 3.9 manual
A group of French translators organized by Jérôme 'Glames' SENAY ( have done a complete translation of the 3.9 HTML manual. Translators | Download French 3.9 manuals (~1 MB).
10 December 2001:
More locale files
We just uploaded the latest collection of locale files for OS 3.9 including:

Amiga Os 3.9 Adf

  • Bosanski
  • Catala
  • Czech
  • Dansk
  • Espanol
  • Francais
  • Italiano
  • Magyar
  • Nederlands
  • Polski
  • Portugues
  • Portugues-Brasil
  • Russian
  • Slovensko
  • Srpski
  • Suomi
  • Svenska
  • Turkce
The files are named '39locale_name'. Please download the files you need from this ftp drawer.
04. April 2001:

Amiga Os 3.9 Install

Boing Bag #1 for OS 3.9 Update
This new version (5.254.174 Bytes) of the Boing Bag #1 contains some minor changes:
  • latest version of Blanker, CrossDOS, Exchange and FKey
  • reworked German locale for IconEdit

Download: Readme | Boing Bag #1 (~5 MB).
31. March 2001:
Boing Bag #1 for OS 3.9
Just in time for the Gateway Computer Show Amiga 2001 Amiga, Inc. and H&P are able to release Boing Bag #1 for OS 3.9. The most important feature is AsyncWB, which adds asynchronous copying and delete functionality to Workbench. In addition, it includes the new GenesisPrefs, updated HDToolBox, AMPlifier, ViNCEd, WBRun, UnArc, RAWBInfo, BenchTrash, and some other enhancements. Read the full text or directly download it now:
Readme | Boing Bag #1 (~5 MB).
14. February 2001:
German FAQ pages online
We just translated the English FAQ pages from Gregory Donner and put them on our website:
German 3.9 FAQs.

09. February 2001:
New Locales and new Genesis Prefs
Here are the first updates to AmigaOS 3.9. Nearly all locale files have been updated and completed. The archive contains all locales for 20 languages:
Locale Archive (~2,1 MB)
The new Genesis Prefs is finally based on ReAction:
GenesisPrefs Archive (~140 KB)

19. December 2000:
FAQs pages and German support opened
Gregory Donner is providing his 3.9 FAQ pages at

12. December 2000:
Support Area opened
Today the OS 3.9 registation and support area have been opened.

Amiga Os 3.9 Image

09. December 2000:
Sales of OS 3.9 started
Sales of Amiga OS 3.9 started on the first day of this years WOA 2000 in Germany.

Amiga Os 3.9

24. November 2000:
WOA 2000 - WORLD OF AMIGA show in Cologne, Germany
The first AMIGA-only show in years in Germany will again be held in Cologne. From 9.-10. December the MediaPark in Cologne will be the destination for all AMIGA fans.
The highlight of the show will be the first official presentation of the new AmigaOS 3.9. Sales of AmigaOS 3.9 will begin this same day. There will also be hourly seminars on AmigaOS 3.9 and other interesting AMIGA Software and Hardware.
There will be a lot of dealers and manufacturers present, as well as Bill McEwen, who will share his vision of the AMIGA's future to the AMIGA fans.
WOA 2000

22. November 2000:
Amiga President Talks OS 3.9 and Beyond
Bill McEwen announces Amiga OS 3.9, and talks about the future of both the Classic Amiga OS and the Amiga Digital Environment.
Read More

21. October 2000:
Amiga President Addresses Community in Melbourne
In this Executive Update, Bill McEwen shares his announcements initally made in his keynote address at the Alternative Computing Expo; including Amiga OS 3.9, updates to the Amiga Software Development Kit, and the AmigaOne.
Read More