

  1. Apsimfdtd
  2. Apsim Maize
  3. Apsim File
  4. Apsimeskime Farais
  5. Apsim Source Code


The apsim program, its source code and the cases used in the book can be downloaded from www.wsharpe.com. The best way to use apsim is to begin with one of the cases from the book, then make modifications as desired. This document is designed to provide detailed documentation of the program’s features, requirements and capabilities. APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator) Description APSIM is a modeling framework with the ability to integrate models derived in fragmented research efforts. This enables research from one discipline or domain to be transported to the benefit of some other discipline or domain. It also facilitates comparison of models.

Apsim Maize

APSIM is a biennial conference that brings together members of the Newfoundland and Labrador access, privacy, information security and information management communities to promote collaboration and build awareness of the overlap and interplay between these various disciplines. Our goal is to facilitate our ability to assist each other in managing, protecting and securing information.

Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, APSIM had been postponed from its original April, 2020 date and will now be an online event hosted by the Memorial University Signal Hill Campus. As in previous years, there is no cost to attend.

Conference highlights include keynote addresses from University of Ottawa Faculty of Law professor Dr. Teresa Scassa on the future of privacy in Canada, and former British Columbia Information and Privacy Commissioner David Loukidelis on developments in privacy and access laws and digital economies.

David Loukidelis will also join Alberta Information and Privacy Commissioner Jill Clayton and Newfoundland and Labrador Information and Privacy Commissioner Michael Harvey for a regulators’ panel discussion. Other conference highlights include presentations on cloud computing, online safety, managing shared drives, digital government, and data governance in healthcare.

The OIPC would like to thank the Steering Committee for their work planning this event.


Apsim File

Asc timetables para mac. For more information and to register, please visit the Conference Website.

Apsimeskime Farais


Apsim Source Code

Media contact
Sean Murray
Director of Research and Quality Assurance