Dmg 5e Firearms

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  2. Dmg 5e Firearms List
  3. Dmg 5e Pdf
  4. 5e Dmg Firearms Rules

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Dmg 5e Firearms

Fantasy Firearms[edit]

So, picture this. You're playing D&D. The guy next to you has a sword, the gal on your right uses her fists, and the friend of loosely-defined gender who sits across from you wields arcane magic of destructive potential. You? You've got a gun. Now, if you're playing in a fantasy setting... hey, maybe guns don't fit the tone. But, in a world with enchanted weaponry, undead, and whatever the heck Flumphs are, it's not unreasonable to say some gnome or dwarf had the idea of making fantasy-gunpowder from dragon bone or fairy dust or something. So even in the most Tolkien-esque settings, there may be a place for it.

That said, the DMG does give rules for weaponry for renaissance, modern, and futuristic settings. Unfortunately, said weapons are not balanced for the traditional high-fantasy settings most are used to. So, this page will categorize, instead, firearms (or firearm-adjacent creations) that could conceivably fit in your run-of-the-mill D&D campaign.

The Reload (X) Property[edit]

Currently, there's three types of vanilla D&D ranged weapons: Bows, Crossbows, and Thrown Weapons. Bows are two-handed weapons, with no restrictions to how often you can fire them. Crossbows have the loading property, preventing the user from firing them more than once per round (or requiring them to take the Crossbow Mastery feat), but many have more damage or are one-handed to compensate. Thrown weapons are just disposable melee weapons.

To differentiate firearms from these types of weapons, they can receive a 'Reload' property. Weapons with the reload property can hold a certain amount of ammo, e.g. a Revolver with 6 rounds. So, unlike crossbows, firearms can be fired more than once per round. However, when they run out of rounds, the weapon cannot be fired again until you use an action to reload it. Then, just like crossbows, they can come in one-handed or two-handed varieties. A firearm user does not need to invest in a feat to take advantage of any extra attack class features they get, over a crossbow user, but then has to deal with needing to spend a turn in 'down-time' every now and then. A weapon with a Reload(2) or even a Reload(1) property would be really rough!

Categorized List[edit]

Feel free to put the [[Category:Fantasy Firearms]] onto any firearm page that meets the following criteria:
1) It uses the Reload property
2) It is balanced alongside other vanilla D&D weapons, as opposed to the anachronistic weapons listed in the DMG or on this site.
3) The fluff for the page works for a fantasy setting, even if it uses copious amounts of Magitek. (If magic can create a wall of pure force or cross dimensions, it can also create an enchanted weapon that can accelerate a metal slug at relativistic speeds...)

Mundane Firearms
Fantasy FirearmCostDamageWeightProperties
Alchemic Bullets
Bayonet Rifle 95 gp1d10 piercing / 1d4 piercing12 lb.Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, reload (4 shots), special, two-handed
Drake Cannon 250 gp2d6 piercing4 lbAmmunition (range 25/40),heavy, reload (2), special, two-handed
Revolver, Variant 150 gp1d10 piercing2 lbAmmunition (range 25/100), light, reload (6 shots)
Rifle, Variant 90 gp1d12 piercing11 lb.Ammunition (range 125/500), heavy, reload (4 shots), two-handed
Siege Rifle 250+ gp2d6 piercing20 lb.Ammunition (range 100/400), Heavy, Reload (6 rounds), Special, Two-Handed
Simple Pistol 100 gp1d10 piercing0.5 lb.Ammunition (range 25/75), hidden, light, reload (1), special
Wheel-lock Carbine 400 gp2d10 piercing9.5 lb.Ammunition (range 30/120), two handed, reload (4 shots), special
Magic Firearms
Deus Ex Calibre very rareRevolver
Devil's Chamber very rarerevolver
Quickdraw Revolver rarerevolver

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Today I’d like to talk a little bit about firearms in your 5e game, I’m not going to have the firearms don’t belong in fantasy discussion, I want to focus primarily on modern 5e settings where firearms are appropriate.


The 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide gave us some sample firearms in the back to help us the same way the original AD&D DMG had rules for crossing over with Boot Hill. I have noticed that among the modern settings they all vary widely with how much damage they think a typical firearm does. This makes life interesting for a 3PP looking to write supplements of my own that players can use with these settings.

Dmg 5e Firearms

Dmg 5e Firearms Database


Of the settings selected the EN5ider firearms supplements Amazing Adventures and Carbon 2185 stick closest to the DMG.

Now Spy Game doesn’t change the melee and primitive weapons at all, so their reduced firearms damage probably doesn’t come from NPCs and monsters that are balanced differently than D&D. At the higher end, Shotguns and certain rifles do more damage than the DMG suggests, so the approach is inconsistent.

Ultramodern has a greatly reduced damage for modern firearms, but devotes a large page count to futuristic weapons which do the same or more than the DMG’s suggested amount. In this case the reduced damage probably IS there to prevent the futuristic weapons from escalating monsters into irrelevance. Ultramodern’s Plasma Sword does the same damage as a Longsword, the various Bayonets do the same as Daggers and Shortswords or Spears so again the firearms seem to be the only thing that were nerfed.

Amazing Adventures melee weapons do not deviate from D&D at all and the firearms are only a tiny bit less powerful. One should expect that D&D monsters would still present adequate challenges to the heroes in Amazing Adventures.

Dmg 5e firearms pdf

Dmg 5e Firearms List

Carbon 2185 stays pretty close to the DMG damage, all pistols in Carbon 2185 use 9 or 10mm bullets, rifles use 5.56mm and .308 which should give me some basis for comparison but who knows what 200 years of propellant technology will do for us. Again as the Cyber reskin of D&D keeps to the same melee damage as ye olde swords so as not to disrupt the creature math. A mono-edge katana does the same damage as a longsword held one-handed, but it ignores resistance, the phase shift sword is exactly ye olde longsword. Their Alternate ammo types lower the die code of their firearms and d4s become 1 point so the decisions for the 21st century pistol to do 2d4 and only 2 points with special ammo is very conscious departure from the DMG’s Light Pistol doing 1d10 and becoming 1d8 with alternative ammo like Incendiary or Armor Piercing.

Based on the above I think my only real choice is to list any weapons books we write with separate tables for each system because they vary not only in damage, but also in their use of properties.

If you have any feedback about this post or our books please feel free to contact us.

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5e Dmg Firearms Rules

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